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Affordable Learning

Federally Funded Dual Enrollment OER

LOUIS is the recipient of three federal grants to develop open educational resources with a combined budget of over $5 million. These projects will result in the creation of open textbooks and corresponding course materials for nearly 60 courses.

Interactive OER for Dual Enrollment

LOUIS’ Interactive OER for Dual Enrollment project, funded by a $2 million Open Textbooks Pilot Program grant from the Department of Education, supports the extension of access to high-quality post-secondary opportunities to high school students across Louisiana and beyond.

Connecting the Pipeline

Connecting the Pipeline: Libraries, OER, and Dual Enrollment from Secondary to Postsecondary, a $1.3 million project funded by LOUIS and the Institute of Library and Museum Services, will develop and share a model for connecting open educational resources (OER) initiatives between secondary post-secondary institutions within a library context. 

Building a Competitive Workforce

Building a Competitive Workforce: Career and Technical Education (CTE) OER with Embedded Digital Skills, a $2.125 million Open Textbooks Pilot Program grant from the Department of Education, supports an initiative to improve access to and completion of CTE courses through the development of OER courses