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Affordable Learning

Act 125 Textbook Adoption Data


Act 125 was signed into law on June 6, 2019. This law establishes reporting requirements for campus textbook adoption data from public postsecondary education institutions beginning in Fall of 2020.

LOUIS and Act 125

LOUIS uses this data to report on the affordability of postsecondary education inclusive of course textbooks and other educational resources, as well as to aid postsecondary institutional decision making as it pertains to library collection development in support of affordable learning.

Since Fall 2021, LOUIS has analyzed submitted Act 125 textbook data for all of Louisiana's public postsecondary institutions as well as several private academic institutions. Valid and unique ISBN identifiers are extracted from the provided textbook lists. Two comparisons of those ISBN identifies are then completed by LOUIS:

  1. Comparison against eBook editions available for library purchase. When available, LOUIS provides funding to purchase these eBooks with unlimited use licenses so that students can use the eBook in place of purchasing a textbook. Potential student savings and impact from this analysis is included in the Affordable Learning Outcomes dashboard.
  2. Comparison against eBooks and print books currently in the library collection. eBooks can be used by students in place of purchasing a textbook, whether they are on campus or not. Print books can be placed on library reserves for use by students when they are on campus.

Reporting Requirements and Deadlines

More information about Act 125, including reporting requirements, is available on the Board of Regents website.