Working groups are commissioned by the LOUIS Board to address emerging needs and concerns within the consortium. Each working group is given a specific charge - area to investigate - and deadline to work toward. This framework provides the consortium a formal network for exchanging ideas and problem-solving, while increasing efficiency.
Each working group is comprised of volunteers from within the membership. These individuals may step forward because they have a general interest in the topic under investigation, want to serve the consortium in a more formal capacity, or are experts in a particular area.
Working groups are formed as the need arises. If you would like to get involved, watch for the call on our discussion list(s) and email the listed contact.
The Electronic Resources Working Group will evaluate and analyze the LOUIS core resources using statistics provided by LOUIS. This working group will act as an advisory group to the Executive Board, Deans and Directors, and LOUIS. This group shall be charged with developing an assessment framework for the LOUIS core collection, identifying collection development priorities, and agreeing upon evaluation criteria and measures to determine the return on investment both for the consortium as a whole and include the costs and costs-per-use for individual institutions in the report. These representatives should then identify shared collection development priorities and common resource needs among the individual institutions. Two priorities and needs shared among all institutions are sustainable cost savings and acquisition/maintenance of products that align with curricula.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Report is available in the TASK Portal.
Name | Institution | Term | Role |
Wendy Johnson | River Parishes Community College | Chair | |
Karla Stewart | Baton Rouge Community College | July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 | LCTCS representative |
Jeffrey Stepp | Louisiana Tech University | July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 | UL representative |
Kerri Christopher | Northwestern State University | July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 | UL representative |
Dana Taylor | LSU and A&M College | July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 | LSU representative |
Maletta Payne | Southern University and A&M College | July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026 | Southern representative |
Laurie Phillips | Loyola University New Orleans | July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 | LAICU representative |
Montie’ Dobbins | LSU Health Sciences Center - Shreveport | July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 | Special Libraries representative |
Megan Lowe | University of Louisiana at Monroe | July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 | Executive Board representative |
The LOUIS Technology Review Working Group will focus on assessing ILS software for the LOUIS Library Services Platform (LSP) Assessment process, including reviewing usage statistics, product information, meeting with other libraries, and reviewing the needs assessment and satisfaction survey results. The group will prepare a report for the Fall 2024 membership meeting, recommending whether to pursue an RFP. If an RFP is initiated, the group will participate in drafting the RFP and in vendor presentations and evaluations, contributing to a final report and recommendation prior to the Spring 2025 membership meeting.
Report Due: November 2024
Name | Institution | Role |
Angela Dunnington | Louisiana Tech University | Chair |
Jeffrey Stepp | Louisiana Tech University | |
Montie' Dobbins | LSU Health Sciences Center - Shreveport | |
Maletta Payne | Southern University and A&M College | |
Jessica Mouton | Fletcher Technical Community College | |
Andrew Barbier | Nicholls State University | |
Michael "Mike" Matthews | Northwestern State University | |
Connie Chemay | River Parishes Community College | |
William Ransom | Loyola University New Orleans | |
Darren MacLennan | Sowela Technical Community College | |
Rebecca Bealer | LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans | |
Shanna Clevenger | Delgado Community College | |
Jacob Fontenot | LSU and A&M College | |
Mike Waugh | LOUIS | LOUIS support |
The Affordable Learning Funding Working Group was tasked with examining and making recommendations for continuation of now unfunded programs like EBA, CDA, and OTN; identifying any end-of-year collection or EBA priorities that are distinctly Affordable Learning Louisiana; and providing a recommendation on use of funds that will be recouped for personnel costs in federal grant.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March, 2021
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: April 29, 2021
Final Report/Presentation Due: June 2, 2021
Chair: Elizabeth Batte (Nicholls), Laurie Phillips (Loyola), Dawn Kight (SUBR), Dani Tucker (CLTCC), Sarah Mazur (LSUS), Ex Officio: Teri Gallaway (LOUIS)
Evaluate opportunities for libraries to contribute to the goals of the BOR Master Plan.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Chair: Megan Lowe (ULM), Sherri Voebel (NSULA), Dawn Kight (SUBR), Marlene Bishop (LSUHSC), Johannah White (BRCC), Gina Costello (LSU), Lora Amsberryaugier (UNO), Megan Lowe (ULM), Tamera Hanken (Xavier), David Duggar (LSUHSCS), Teri Gallaway (LOUIS)
The Controlled Digital Lending Working Group is tasked with conducting an initial assessment of controlled digital lending software, services, and agreements and providing recommendations on the next steps in evaluating opportunities for implementing or supporting controlled digital lending in the consortium prior to the Spring 2020 membership meeting.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Chair: Brian Sherman (LSUS), Amy Baptist (SELU), Rebecca Bealer (LSUHSCNO), Kelly Blessinger (LSU), Melinda Matthews (ULM), Maren Williams (ULM), Janelle Zetty (ULL), Tim Osteen (BPCC), Melanie Sims (LSU), Tamera Hanken (Xavier), Lisa Stigall (LOUIS)
The Core Collection Working Group is tasked with reviewing this initial assessment, requesting supplemental data from LOUIS staff as needed, and providing recommendations on the next steps in evaluating the LOUIS Core prior to the Spring 2019 membership meeting.
Final Report is available in the TASK Portal.
Heather Plaisance (ULL), Jodi Duet (Fletcher), Marlene Bishop (LSUHSC New Orleans), Hannah White (Xavier), Kevin Cuccia (LA Tech), Phebe Huderson-Poydras (Southern Law), Sarah Mazur (BPCC), Jeanne Pavy (UNO), Rebecca Bealer (LSUHSC New Orleans), Shanna Clevenger (Delgado), Megan Lowe (ULM), Cristina Caminita (LSU)
Evaluate digital accessibility risks related to third-party content and develop short and long-term plans for mitigating risks.
Final Report is available in the TASK Portal
Chair: Todd Venie (LSU Law), Sarah Mazur (LSUS), Daremey Butler (SUBR), Lauren McAdams (BRCC), Tom Diamond (LSU), Maren Williams (ULM), Daniel DuPont (DCC), Melanie Sims (LSU Law), Will Monroe (LSU Law), Connie Chemay (RPCC)
The Digital Privacy Working Group was tasked with the creation of a set of tools that will help LOUIS's member libraries begin to familiarize themselves with and support digital privacy issues.
Chair: Khalil EL-Bathy (SOWELA), Jerome Marcantel (McNeese), Michael Mitchell (ULL), Daenel "Dani" Tucker (CLTCC), Phebe Poydras (SUBR), Adrienne Webber (GSU), Angie Balius (SELU), LOUIS support: Elizabeth Kelly
The Disaster Planning Working Group will evaluate the ASERL Principles of Mutual Aid (PDF, 218 KB) and develop a proposal for mutual aid for LOUIS member libraries.
Final Report is available in the TASK Portal
Beverly Harris (Dillard), Zack Stein (ULL), Diana Schaubhut (Holy Cross), Blair Stapleton (ULL), Janine Smith (Delgado), Catherine Dean (Southern at Shreveport), Mike Matthews (Northwestern), Barbara Reilly (LSUHSC Shreveport), Debra Harmon (LSUS), Amy Baptist (Southeastern), Elissa Plank (LSU)
Explore opportunities with other libraries, consortia, and vendors for the development of an open-source library services platform. The Institutional Repository Working Group is tasked with conducting an initial assessment of consortia-level opportunities for open source institutional repository software, services, and agreements and providing recommendations on the next steps in evaluating opportunities for implementing or supporting an institutional repository in the consortium prior to the Spring 2020 membership meeting.
Final Report is available in the TASK Portal.
Chair: Megan Lowe (ULM), Dale Prince (LSUHSCNO), Sarah Mazur (LSUS), Maletta Payne (SUBR), Julie Schiavo (LSUHSCNO), Jeanne Pavy (UNO), Elizabeth Outler (SULC), Zachary Stein (ULL), Mary George (Xavier), LOUIS support: Mike Waugh and Elizabeth Kelly (LOUIS)
Collect and distribute best practices for working with college and university IT departments.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Chair: Megan Lowe (ULM), Michael Matthews (NSULA), Dawn Kight (SUBR), Mike Sullivan (LSU), Lora Amsberryaugier (UNO), Jessica Louque (ULM), Laurie Vanderbrook (ULL), Jianshan Yang (Xavier), Mararia Adams (LSUHSC), Mike Waugh (LOUIS)
The Open Source Resource Sharing Software Working Group is tasked with conducting an initial assessment of ReShare and providing recommendations on the next steps in evaluating Open Source Resource Sharing Software needs of the consortium prior to the Spring 2020 membership meeting.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Chair: Jacob Fontenot (LSU), Debbie Huntington (NSULA), Jessica Hawkes (LSUS), Maya Banks (SUBR), Rebecca Bealer (LSUHSCNO), Cindy Knight (NTCC), Ian Richardson (ULL), Shanna Clevenger (DCC), LOUIS Support: Marcy Stevens
The Professional Development Working Group is tasked with surveying the professional development needs of the LOUIS membership and making recommendations on ways to meet those needs using dedicated funding. Recommendations will be reviewed and approved by the LOUIS Executive Board.
Chair: Brian Sherman (LSUS), Maya Banks (SUBR), Tanya Lynn Arant (Louisiana Tech), Andrea Alexander (RPCC), Lindsey Reno (UNO), Michelle Riggs Waller (LSUA), Christy Wrenn (Centenary), Brandy Burbante (Nicholls), KC Celestine (FTCC), Kelly Kingrey-Edwards (CLTCC), Megan Lowe (NSULA), LOUIS support: Rob Stephens (LOUIS)
Examine possible privilege extensions or use of statewide delivery to support online students who want to utilize ILL services.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Chair: Tim Stamm (DCC), Debra Harmon (LSUS), Vanissa Eli (SUBR), Lonnie Beene (McNeese), Larissa Elliott (LSU), Blair Stapleton (ULL), Connie Chemay (RPCC), ZeeZee Zamin (LOUIS)
The Remote Authentication Workgroup is tasked with reviewing an initial assessment conducted by LOUIS, requesting supplemental data from LOUIS staff as needed, and providing recommendations on the next steps in evaluating remote authentication needs of the consortium, including an assessment of OpenAthens, prior to the Spring 2019 membership meeting.
Final report is available in the TASK Portal.
Shanna Clevenger (Delgado), Arthur Almazan (ULL), Will Olmstadt (LSUHSC Shreveport), Lucy Rosenbloom (Loyola), Blair Stapleton (ULL), Penny Hecker (Southeastern), Dave Comeaux (LSU), Debra Harmon (LSUS), Rebecca Bealer (LSUHSC New Orleans), Elizabeth Outler (Southern Law), Megan Lounsberry (LSU), Brian Sherman (LSUS)
The move from LSU to the Louisiana Board of Regents necessitates that LOUIS select new software to manage the LOUIS service desk operations. This working group has been charge with reviewing and providing input on the LOUIS plans as they relate to implications for member libraries and LOUIS central staff services and support
Arthur Almazan (ULL), Chauncey Cammon (SUNO), Jodi Duet (Fletcher), Chuck Hughes (ULL), Mike Waller (LSUA), Lucy Rosenbloom (Loyola)
The Shared Print Working Group is tasked with conducting an initial assessment of shared print software, services, and agreements and providing recommendations on the next steps in evaluating the shared print needs of the consortium prior to the Spring 2020 membership meeting. Investigate the possibility of joining a cooperative shared print repository.
Preliminary Report/Presentation Due: March 6, 2020
Deliver Presentation at Membership Meeting: March 20, 2020
Final Report/Presentation Due: April 3, 2020
Chair: Tamera Hanken (Xavier), Debra Harmon (LSUS), Charlotte Henderson (SUBR), Eddie Hughes (SUBR), Adrienne Shields (SULC), Sheryl Curry (ULL), Connie Chemay (RPCC), Christy Wrenn (Centenary), Victor Sanchez (LOUIS)
The Strategic Planning Working Group will aid and inform the development of the LOUIS 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. They will assist in the planning of and participate in, focus groups in their area of the state and work with the LOUIS Executive Director on the development of a draft plan for Fall of 2022.
Approved Report is available on the LOUIS website and in the TASK Portal.
Chair: Jodi Duet (FTCC), Dawn Kight (SUBR), Adrian Crawford (BPCC), Boris Teske (Louisiana Tech), Lora Amsberryaugier (UNO), Julie Schiavo (LSUHSCNO), Kaci Wilson (LSUS), Erin Ware (LSUHSCS), Megan Lowe (NSULA), Amelia Brister (LDCC), Laurie Phillips (Loyola), Kayla Siddell (Xavier), LOUIS support: Laurie Blandino (LOUIS)
LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network
Louisiana Board of Regents
P. O. Box 3677 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677
1201 N. Third Street | Suite 6-200 | Baton Rouge, LA 70802
225.342.4253 |
A Statewide Program of the Louisiana Board of Regents
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