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Member Resources


LOUIS maintains several different listservs to foster communication between our consortium members. These listservs are reserved for use only by LOUIS member library staff.

We recommend that every LOUIS member subscribes to our main listserv, the LOUIS listserv. The LOUIS Team and many LOUIS members use this listserv to communicate about broad topics that are relevant to the entire membership. We also use this listserv to notify members of upcoming events, upcoming Learning with LOUIS webinars, calls for proposals, and other information.

There are also several LOUIS Listservs devoted to specific groups or topics of interest:

Want to Subscribe?

If you would like to subscribe to one or more of these lists, jump over to the TASK Portal for an in-depth overview of how the discussion lists work and subscribe today!

You will need a TASK Portal account to access the help topics. If you do not have an account, request one.