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Request for Information (RFI): Integrated Library System (ILS) and Discovery




LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network seeks information from qualified vendors regarding integrated library system (ILS) solutions and services to support its 47-member academic libraries. This RFI aims to evaluate current market offerings that can meet the evolving technological and operational needs of our consortium's library automation infrastructure. Currently 37 members participate in the ILS and discovery solution offered by LOUIS. 


LOUIS is a consortium of public and private college and university libraries in the state of Louisiana. This partnership was formed in 1992 by the library deans and directors at these institutions, in order to create a cost-effective collaboration among the institutions for the procurement of library technology and resources. We are currently forty-seven members strong. 

We implement intuitive, robust technologies that allows our members to successfully conduct and manage vital library operations; provides library users the means to discover integrated scholarly resources; ensures valuable library resources and services are available to the library's authorized users, anywhere, anytime; and enhances our members’ collections by enabling reciprocal lending and borrowing within the state, and globally. 

We support the technology and resources secured by our members through LOUIS by providing solutions and customizing services. We maximize the purchasing power of our members by negotiating lower prices. We provide professional development opportunities to ensure our members get the most benefit from the technology and resources purchased. 

We foster communities to provide our members a space in which to share, learn, teach, and question. Each community is set up specifically for groups with common interests and goals to encourage dialog and communication. Communication is paramount to success, and these communities have contributed greatly to our success through the sharing of expertise and ideas. 

RFI Timeline

The RFI will be issued on February 24th, 2025. Interested vendors must submit their responses by April 4th, 2025. Based on member library interest and evaluation of initial responses, LOUIS may schedule system demonstrations with selected vendors during late spring 2025. 

Deadline for Response

Friday, April 4, 2025: date by which written responses must be received. Late responses may not be considered. Respondents are strongly encouraged to follow the prescribed order and number provided in Appendix A.

Send electronic responses to: Laurie Blandino

Direct all questions to: Laurie Blandino