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LSP Assessment


As part of its mission, LOUIS provides automation services to academic libraries and strives to identify, evaluate, and implement intuitive, robust technologies. The 2018 LOUIS Strategic Plan has prioritized providing an innovative technology infrastructure that is robust, cloud-based, and cost-effective, as a core goal and objective.

LOUIS member libraries have been using the Symphony ILS for the past 20 years. There are 38 academic libraries in this collaboration, and we are at the midpoint of a 3-year contract with SirsiDynix.

In 2017 LOUIS undertook a self-assessment and RFI process that resulted in the current service provider, SirsiDynix, scoring the highest marks. A decision point now presents itself as LOUIS will soon enter the last year of the current contract with SirsiDynix. After a preliminary discussion with System Administrators in 2020, the LOUIS Executive Board was approached in 2021 with the idea of moving forward with a new assessment. This assessment process will differ in that it seeks to

  • Identify the consortium’s functional needs from the LSP
  • Survey satisfaction with the current LSP
  • Determine if the consortium should move forward with a Request for Proposals (RFP) process or pursue a new contract with the current providers.

More information about the LSP Assessment is available in the Task Portal.

Self-Assessment Report

This report is confidential and should not be shared outside of LOUIS. Email for the password.

Detailed Results

Data Dashboards

The following dashboards complement the self-assessment report.

Survey Results

Full results for the member survey, minus demographic information, are available. Email for the password.

SirsiDynix Response to Member Survey

SirsiDynix was invited to respond to the member library survey. Berit Nelson gave an overview of the response at the Fall 2021 Membership Meeting. Those slides and a narrative response is included here. These documents are confidential and should not be shared outside of LOUIS. Email for the password.