Discovery technologies let library users find integrated scholarly content like databases, eBooks, print materials, and multimedia. The technologies below work with the Library Services Platform (LSP) to ensure users can find the resources they need.
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS): the premier discovery layer that integrates full-text linking, superior subject indexing, and powerful search functionality to give library users a Google-like discovery experience for library resources
Publication Finder: a search interface that allows users to search and browse publications available through their library
WorldCat Discovery Service: a discovery layer powered by OCLC's library database, WorldCat, and a central index. WorldCat represents library collections worldwide, with almost 400 million records, providing users with a unique discovery service geared toward print materials
ProQuest Syndetics: enriches SirsiDynix Enterprise catalog content through cover images, reviews, excerpts, and more
Curriculum Builder: an EDS plugin that enables faculty to include library resources directly into their courses through their campus learning management system (Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas)
The following tools and services ensure valuable library resources and services are available to the library's authorized users.
EZproxy: the leading authentication solution in the industry, allowing libraries to authenticate against the user database stored in their Library Services Platform. It can be integrated with a wide variety of authentication services, like LDAP and Shibboleth, thereby providing seamless access to library resources. LOUIS has integrated EZproxy with SirsiDynix Symphony for 56% of member libraries*
IP Address Management: LOUIS maintains a database of authorized IP address ranges for each member library, working with multiple vendor administrative interfaces to ensure uninterrupted access to library resources and services
*Based on number of members that have acquired SirsiDynix Symphony through LOUIS
Full Text Finder: an Open-URL compliant link resolver that enables users to connect to resources directly on a content provider's website, or provides a menu of full text options for a resource in search interfaces like EDS or Publication Finder
EBSCO's Holdings Management: allows libraries to manage all of their electronic and print holdings, regardless of content provider, within a single interface
Custom: LOUIS implements multiple custom processes for members to load the bulk of their holdings into their Symphony catalog
Consortia Manager: an electronic resource management (ERM) system that streamlines and optimizes the workflow of a consortia's electronic subscriptions including access to license agreements, subscription renewals and offers, prices, and invoices
IP Address Management
Link Resolving
Holdings Management
*Based on number of members that have acquired SirsiDynix Symphony through LOUIS
LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network
Louisiana Board of Regents
P. O. Box 3677 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677
1201 N. Third Street | Suite 6-200 | Baton Rouge, LA 70802
225.342.4253 |
A Statewide Program of the Louisiana Board of Regents
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