LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network provides events and programs, both in-person and virtual, including but not limited to webinars, symposiums, conferences, and other meetings. This document covers the event and all pre- and post-event activities; it extends to all conference and conference-adjacent spaces, including social media channels and session feedback surveys. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and set expectations for participants, along with procedures to follow when expectations are not met.
LOUIS Consortium events are designed to give opportunities for our members and other participants to share knowledge. Participants should be free to learn, network, practice skills, and have fun among their colleagues. We are dedicated to providing a respectful, inclusive, collaborative, accessible, and safe environment at our events.
We therefore also expect that all event attendees contribute to a positive environment by adhering to this code of conduct. Event attendees include but are not limited to all guests, staff, team members, consortia members, vendors, sponsors, volunteers, facilitators, or anyone else present physically or virtually at a LOUIS event.
LOUIS is committed to making our events accessible. If you have a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in a LOUIS event, please contact Karlita Anderson by via email at Karlita.Anderson@laregents.edu or by telephone at (225) 219-7162 to discuss your accessibility needs.
The following behaviors are expected of all event attendees, who share the responsibility to contribute to a positive, thoughtful, and respectful environment at LOUIS events:
Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants
Be considerate and respectful of other attendees at all times
Actively seek ways to make LOUIS events more welcoming, inclusive, and accessible to all
Use welcoming and inclusive language and communication
Respect the pronouns of all in attendance
Attempt to collaborate before creating conflict
Alert event organizers if you witness a dangerous behavior, somebody experiencing crisis or distress, harassment or violence, or other behaviors disruptive to the event.
The following behaviors will not be tolerated in any form at any LOUIS events or programs:
Verbal or physical harassment of any kind
Offensive, disparaging, intimidating, demeaning, or otherwise disruptive speech, images, or writing of any form
Purposefully using the wrong pronouns or intentionally misgendering someone
Discrimination in any form
Intimidation, stalking, inappropriate or unwanted physical contact, or unwelcome sexual attention
Attempts to reveal people’s personal identifying information without explicit consent from those involved
Encouragement of any behaviors in this list
Any other behavior that may be disruptive, offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise damaging to the event’s environment.
LOUIS reserves the right to take appropriate action in response to the above behaviors, including removal from the event without warning or refund and prevention from future attendance.
If you encounter any behavior in violation of this code of conduct, please reach out to the LOUIS staff at the event. In the absence of a staff member, please email louislibraries@laregents.edu. If the situation is an emergency with present danger or threat, please call 911.
When other protocols are in place for an event, including but not limited to health protocols, safety protocols, or other event guidelines, all attendees agree to follow those protocols. When applicable, these protocols will appear on the event website or attendees will be notified of protocols by email or other notification in advance. Attendance at LUC or other LOUIS events implies your agreement to comply with any applicable health and safety protocols and to release LOUIS and the Board of Regents from any responsibility related to exposure to illness resulting from your attendance.
LOUIS reserves the right to video, stream, or take photographs of LOUIS events and attendees and to use those media during live events or for future promotion and information of their events. We encourage attendees to take and share their own photographs. Anyone can ask that a photo of themselves be unpublished or that they be removed from the photo at any time for any reason by emailing louislibraries@laregents.edu.
Professional photography or videography by non-LOUIS affiliates:
Written authorization from the event staff at least one month prior to the event is required. To request this authorization, please email louislibraries@laregents.edu.
Consent of attendees whose images are captured is necessary. Event staff will facilitate obtaining attendee consent.
Vendors must obtain explicit consent (preferably written) from attendees prior to taking photographs, screenshots, or videos.
LOUIS reserves the right to take appropriate action in response to the above behaviors, including removal from the event without warning and/or refund. Violations of the code of conduct may also result in restriction or barring from future attendance at LUC.
Participants (whether attendees or vendors) who are asked by anyone to stop engaging in any harassing or unacceptable behavior must comply immediately. Failure to do so may result in reporting to law enforcement and attendant consequences.
LOUIS strongly encourages all participants and vendors to be mindful of possible violations and to report any violations to LOUIS staff. Any participant who believes they have been a victim of any of the aforementioned unacceptable behaviors OR who believes they have witnessed any of the aforementioned unacceptable behaviors are strongly encouraged to report it immediately to LOUIS staff at the event.
LOUIS staff will contact conference location security and/or local law enforcement as appropriate.
LOUIS staff will also provide escorts and/or otherwise help those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference.
In the absence of a staff member, please contact us by either email at louislibraries@laregents.edu or this anonymous form (also linked in the QR code below). If the situation is an emergency with present danger or threat, please call 911.
Scan to visit anonymous reporting form:
The LOUIS Consortium values its partners and sponsors and their investment in building relationships, innovation, and programming.
To maintain the value of sponsorships and investing in LOUIS events, presentations, postings, and messages which contain promotional materials, special offers, or product announcements from organizations not affiliated with LOUIS are discouraged without prior approval. LOUIS reserves the right to review, decline, and remove such content..
Conference sponsors should not copy or take screenshots of content from other conference sponsors while in breakout or plenary sessions without prior approval from the other sponsoring party.
This code of conduct is based on and borrows language and ideas from codes of conduct by the American Library Association, Catersource + The Special Event, Code4Lib, The Conference on Academic Library Management, The Digital Library Foundation, MIT Libraries, PALCI, and The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries.
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network
Louisiana Board of Regents
P. O. Box 3677 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677
1201 N. Third Street | Suite 6-200 | Baton Rouge, LA 70802
225.342.4253 | louislibraries@laregents.edu
A Statewide Program of the Louisiana Board of Regents
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