We are excited to announce that on March 12th, 2025, LOUIS is hosting LUC-E, a spring virtual conference! This virtual event features select presentations from LUC 2024, giving you another chance to catch sessions you might have missed
Room 1: Grant Writing - Collaborating for Success!
with Dr. Dawn Kight, Dr. Maya Banks, and Quiana Wright, Southern University and A&M College
This talk will highlight the critical importance of collaboration in grant writing, especially for libraries with limited capacity or small staff. Several areas will be discussed: leveraging expertise, strengthening connections, sharing strategies, and increasing funding opportunities. Examples of successful collaborative proposals will be shared.
Room 2: The Curious Case of the Missing Documentation: Creating Department-Level Policies and Manuals for Smooth Library Operations
with Jessica Hawkes, Nicholls State University, and Jeffrey Stepp, Louisiana Tech University
In this session, we will highlight the importance of department level documentation for seamless library operations and delve into how they are working to streamline documentation for their library departments. This session will delve into developing and updating procedure manuals and policies, the best tools for creating and storing documentation, and the challenges and solutions encountered along the way.
Room 1: Same Building, EVEN MORE New Friends: Expanding Capacities for New Patrons
with Kelly Larson and Zachary Tompkins, LSU Special Collections
The team at LSU Special Collections wants to remove barriers to its collections and spaces to entice new researchers and visitors. Since 2017, they have funded summer travel grants, sponsored undergraduate research, and redesigned public spaces for student study. Last fall, Kelly Larson (Head of Research & Public Services) and Zachary Tompkins (University Archivist) shared details, successes, and lessons learned from scalable projects that grew the patron community at LSU Libraries. In this session, they will reprise their presentation along with updates from the past six months.
Room 2: I Can Canva, and So Can You: Techniques for Creating Snazzy Web and Print Graphics
with Daniel DuPont, Delgado Community College
Learn how to find high quality templates for any project, customize graphics and documents with themes, master layers to make images pop, and share a Canva workspace with your team. All for the low, low price of zero dollars.
Room 1: Bingo Lunch Hour 🎉🀞🀞
with Rob Stephens and Amelia Brister, LOUIS Team
Let's wind down and hang out for a little while playing Bingo! We'll be giving out conference swag as prizes to our winners.
Room 1: Treading in Uncertain Waters: Recent Trends in Library Personnel
with Jeffrey Stepp, Louisiana Tech University, and Dr. Megan Lowe, Northwestern State University
Over the last few years, the landscape of academic libraries has shifted at an accelerated rate. In the wake of navigating the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, issues such as weaponized tradition, the acknowledgement of librarian burnout, and uncertainty related to the role of AI in the field of librarianship began to surface. This presentation will explore recent trends in library personnel related to these issues and how we might navigate these uncertain waters.
Room 2: Teaching Responsible AI Use in Libraries
with David Gaither, LSUS, and Quiana Wright, Southern University and A&M College
The key to living harmoniously with AI is teaching its responsible and ethical use. This presentation explores integrating responsible AI use into Library Information Literacy classes, providing librarians from all sectors with essential knowledge and practical tools. Attendees will delve into AI fundamentals, its applications in libraries, and critical ethical considerations like data privacy and ensuring fairness. Practical strategies for teaching AI ethics, including evaluating AI-generated content.
Room 1: Borrow All the E-Things!? Adapting Interlibrary Loan for the Ebook Era
with Jacob Fontenot, LSU
As more libraries gain permission to lend their ebooks through ILL, how should borrowers respond? Is it time to offer our patrons a choice between print and ebooks? In 2023, a happy accident convinced LSU Libraries to offer ebook borrowing to ILL patrons. At this session, we will share how we implemented "ebook first" borrowing in ILLiad, what we learned about patron format preferences, and how we evaluated the service. Please join us and share your own experience borrowing ebooks!
Room 2: Building Connections Not Cringe: Engaging Students with Your Authentic Self
with Nicollette Davis, Elizabeth Long Allen, and Lauren Lay, LSU, and Danielle Costello, University of Georgia
As media and information landscapes change, so do the information seeking behaviors of the next generation. How do we meet students where they are and bridge the generational divide without being "cringe"? In our session, we will discuss how information seeking behavior is evolving, strategies for staying current (without losing your authentic self), and avoiding "the cringe." We will also provide real life examples from things we have tried in our programming and instruction sessions at LSU.
LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network
Louisiana Board of Regents
P. O. Box 3677 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677
1201 N. Third Street | Suite 6-200 | Baton Rouge, LA 70802
225.342.4253 | louislibraries@laregents.edu
A Statewide Program of the Louisiana Board of Regents
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