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LUC: LOUIS Users Conference

Registration for LUC 2024 is now open!

Button that links to the LUC 2023 Registration page


We offer a number of exciting opportunities to participate in the conference. You can present in a single session, moderate a sharing session, or be part of a panel. The conference sessions cover a number of topics, so there is an opportunity for everyone!

Explore Participation


Our users conference gives us the perfect opportunity to honor our members' accomplishments. We now feature an awards ceremony each year, honoring LOUIS libraries' efforts and activities for the past year.

Explore Awards


First time attendees, library support staff, and first time presenters can earn these scholarships, which cover the cost of registration and other travel costs to LUC.

Explore Scholarship 


Our generous sponsors help us make the conference the success that it is year after year. There are a number of sponsorship opportunities: monetary donation, meal sponsorship, and swag giveaways.

Explore Sponsorship