Auditorium Lobby and Main Auditorium
Main Auditorium
Teri Oaks Gallaway (LOUIS) and Tim Stamm, Chair (LOUIS Executive Board)
Main Auditorium
Jess Mitchell, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University
Jess Mitchell with the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, will deliver the keynote at the LOUIS Users Conference this year. She is frequently seen speaking, facilitating workshops, and advocating on topics related to ethics and design. Jess’s keynote will focus on the issues of inclusion, diversity, and equity in design specifically in libraries and library systems.
Lower Exhibit Hall
Grab some coffee and a snack, and visit with our conference sponsors and learn from the poster session presenters.
How are We Adapting?
Rachel Sherman (LSUS)
A poster presentation on how academic libraries are adapting to the modern and digital needs of students by shifting focus from physical collections to digital materials and how this affects traditional library positions.
The Embedded Librarian: Tools and Techniques for Successfully Submerging in the Classroom
Elizabeth Layton (Nicholls)
The roles of academic librarians constantly changing, and there are times when something a little unorthodox is required to change the way students see us and also to help them to make students aware of what a valuable resource we are. In this presentation I will discuss my experiences in the classroom, tools I have used, and my projections for the future. This poster will show other librarians how I have integrated myself in physical and online classes in order to improve the students’ final grades and the quality of their research. By utilizing my personal experience, as well as faculty and student feedback, I have been able to cater each class to fit the needs of the students and professors. This provides a dynamic where the students are constantly engaged with me as their personal librarian and helps create a relationship where the students are no longer fearful to ask questions. By helping students with their information literacy and research habits, they are more likely to welcome the opportunity to research in future classes. The feedback from faculty has been positive as I offer a menu of sorts so my services fit the needs of their students. The students are eager to interact with me on a casual level, removing the stereotype of the distant and stuffy librarian.
Correcting Legacy Statistics from a Documentation Dark Age
Catherine Dean (SUSLA)
The Technical Services Department at SUSLA University Library faced a dilemma when the new Cataloger came up with dramatically different collection totals than had been previously reported. Resolving this problem required reconsidering our methods and definitions, seeking advice from our peers, and some compromises. It also prompted new practices, including preparing to take inventory for the first time and documenting procedures. We were ultimately inspired to create a flowchart that could help institutions facing a similar issue make decisions grounded by professional standards and practices.
Room 322
Bringing Social Justice Into the Classroom: Practical Applications
Sarah Simms (LSU) , Lucy Rosenbloom and Jason Ezell (Loyola)
Social justice in librarianship is currently one of the hottest topics in our profession. Theories abound as to how to incorporate social justice into librarianship, but how do we act on this call? Join librarians from Loyola University and Louisiana State University as they share their experience with the practical application of social justice in their classrooms. Jason Ezell and Lucy Rosenbloom from Loyola University will present on their use of mapping software that expanded a traditional student research assignment to highlight sites of LGBTQ+ history in the United States. Sarah Simms from Louisiana State University will share her experience with a new evaluation tool that brings the idea of privilege front and center to the conversation.
Room 324
Building Relationships with Campus IT
Sheryl Curry (ULL) , Angela Dunnington (SELU), and Christy Wrenn (Centenary)
Technology continues to permeate the academic library environment in many aspects, from authentication to wireless networks. By collaborating and even co-existing with campus offices of information technology, academic libraries can more efficiently bridge the gap between technology and services to its patrons. It is clear that the demands of maintaining the modern enterprise while anticipating and planning for emerging technologies requires ongoing collaboration between IT professionals and library staff. This talk will discuss the benefits and challenges of the academic library’s active engagement with campus IT, focusing on our own experiences, obstacles and successes along the way. Attendees are invited to reflect on their own partnerships and experiences.
Room 326
What's the Big Deal?: A Panel Discussion on LSU's Initiative to Reduce Serial Expenditures
Jacob Fontenot, Lois Kuyper-Rushing, and Megan Lounsberry (LSU)
What’s the Big Deal? : A Panel Discussion on LSU’s Initiative to Reduce Serial Expenditures
Room 327
Code it as "Success at Task.": Benefits of Research Collaborations between Librarians and MLIS Students
Andrea Hebert (LSU) and Jodi Duet (Fletcher)
In fall 2018, the subject librarian for Louisiana State University’s School of Library & Information Science program asked Jodi Duet, a graduating MLIS student, to participate as a co-investigator in a qualitative research project designed to explore the search self-efficacy of students graduating from SLIS’s MLIS program. The presenters will detail the advantages of working with others on original research, the unique benefits of collaborations between librarians and MLIS students, practical tips for teams of researchers working on qualitative coding, and suggestions for collaborators who work in different physical sites.
Room 322
LSU Libraries Diversity Residency Program: Planning, Launching, and Assessing
Sigrid Kelsey and Ebony McDonald (LSU)
The ACRL Diversity Alliance “unites academic libraries committed to increasing the hiring pipeline of qualified and talented individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.” As a member of the Alliance, LSU made the commitment to: establish a residency program for at least one individual, lasting a minimum of two years; design experiences at the local level to expand the residents’ interests and skills; serve as a resource to those institutions participating in the ACRL Diversity Alliance; provide at a minimum the same level of professional development support provided other library faculty/staff/employees; and provide a salary for the resident commensurate with the salaries of equivalent entry-level library professionals. In this breakout session, Sigrid Kelsey, who led the implementation of the residency program at LSU Libraries, will talk about what went into laying the groundwork for a successful residency, achieving buy-in, providing professional development for library staff, conducting a search, building a framework for the residency program, and establishing a set of productive rotations and support for the resident. She will reference best practices from other libraries and describe how they might be scaled and adapted to work at any library. Ebony McDonald, who was hired in January 2019 at LSU Libraries’ first Diversity Resident, will discuss her motivations for applying for the residency, the opportunities and challenges presented by her participation in the program, and the impact that it has had thus far on her development as professional.
Room 324
Managing Library IT: Setting Up a Freshdesk Ticketing System from Start to Finish
Angela Dunnington and Angie Estes (SELU)
In some academic libraries, technology oversight is under the Access Services umbrella. Prior to 2016, all library technology issues were reported to the campus Office of Technology personnel. An academic library reorganization resulted in a newly developed Library Technology Specialist position as part of the Access Services Team to support the Library’s infrastructure of information systems, networks, technical applications and equipment. In pursuit of a library-wide system to troubleshoot technology issues, the Sims Memorial Library turned to Freshdesk, a cloud-based customer support platform. This presentation will discuss the workflow of using Freshdesk, highlighting a start to finish approach to systematically track incidents and service requests for technology and to create a knowledge base for library-wide training.
Room 326
Affordability and Outcomes: How Publisher Programs Can Support Libraries
Karin Rutte (McGraw Hill Education)
This presentation will be a panel of 3-4 participants moderated by McGraw-Hill and available for audience Q&A. The panel may consist of students, administrators, librarians, and/or faculty members who have seen the benefits of textbooks cost-savings programs like Inclusive Access. The panel members will be from institutions that have large OER or affordability missions, so they will be able to speak about how Inclusive Access can exist alongside OER and even provide savings on technology that supports OER.
Room 327
Suffragettes in the News: Using America's Historic Newspapers for the Online Biographical Dictionary of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States Project
Marty Miller and Brittany O'Neill (LSU)
The Online Biographical Dictionary of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States is a crowd-sourcing project hosted through Alexander Street Press. It is due to be released on the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. This presentation will discuss how we, as volunteer profilers, utilized America's Historic Newspapers, a LOUIS-provided resource, to create profiles of Louisiana suffragists that were assigned to us. We will demonstrate how we navigated the database’s sometimes quirky search algorithm with frequently revised search strings, application of limiters, and supplemental sources we consulted to fill in gaps in the newspaper records. We will outline the challenges the database presents, including the digital quality of the scanned late nineteenth and early twentieth century newsprint, the difficulties in identifying our particular suffragists, and the process of piecing various bits of biographical information together into a coherent biography. The potential instruction value of such an exercise for history courses will be addressed as well.
Room 322
Fantastic Searching Tips and Where to Find Them
Brian Sherman (LSUS)
This session is for practitioners at the reference desk, researchers, or for those who just want to know how to use search engines to find granular information. Content covered will include traditional search strategies that most practitioners already utilize, but will also explore more obscure tips that can be used to locate information using Google and the most frequently used library databases. Discussion will also focus on the differences between searching the most common platforms.
Room 324
The Role of Academic Libraries in Accreditation: What I Learned About Creating Program Impact Studies
Caitlin Cooper (Delgado)
I will discuss how I create program impact studies, which the programs at Delgado need when they are going up for re-accreditation. I will explain how that shows the value of the library and also helps in collection development.
Room 326
Driving Textbook Affordability: Bridging the Gap Between Faculty and Librarian in the Selection of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Donna Shaw (EBSCO) and Teri Gallaway (LOUIS)
As college textbook and course material costs continue to rise, there is an increasing need for faculty and librarians to provide cost-effective resources to students. Many Open Educational Resources (OER) exist, but it can be difficult and time-consuming for faculty to find them and know whether or not they’re available for use in their courses. In addition, there may be unrestricted, DRM-free e-books available through the library that faculty could use in their courses but might not know about. EBSCO Faculty Select helps bridge this gap. Faculty Select is a single interface where faculty can search and access quality open textbooks, Open Education Resources (OER), and request access to unrestricted library e-books from top academic publishers. Come to this session to learn howFaculty Select enables an institution or a consortium to further drive textbook affordability, access, and usability for their faculty and students, as well as drive usage and value of library materials and directly support course curricula. Hear from Teri Gallaway, Associate Commissioner at LOUIS (The Louisiana Library Network) as she provides insight into how LOUIS has successfully implemented Faculty Select within their consortium.
Room 327
Fear of the Unknown: Rediscovering and Preserving Obsolete Digital Materials Within LSU Libraries' Special Collections
Winnie Schwaid-Lindner (LSU)
LSU Libraries’ Special Collections contain close to 6,000 collections and close to 20,000 linear feet of material, the vast majority of which is paper-based. However, over the past several decades, an unknown number of magnetic tapes, CD-ROMs, floppy disks, and other obsolete media formats have worked their way into our collections. In the past, these objects have often been acquired as part of a predominantly paper-based collection and may be neither processed, described, nor specifically mentioned in our records. As LSU Libraries embarks on preserving these objects, we’ve been left wondering ‘how do we preserve these objects if we don’t know what, or even where, they are?’ This presentation will cover our methods, choices, and technical decisions that have moved us towards identifying, preserving, and incorporating our unknown obsolete digital media items into LSU Libraries’ Digital Collections. In addition, the presentation will discuss practical steps related to material discovery, preservation assessment, and legacy media migration that could be applied to other institutions and their collections.
Lower Exhibit Hall
Grab some coffee and a snack, and visit with our conference sponsors and learn from the poster session presenters.
Room 322
Southern University Law Center Affordable Learning Initiative
Phebe Huderson-Poydras, Angela Mason, Elizabeth Outler, and Adrienne Shields (SULAW)
The rising textbook cost as it relates to legal education has been a major concern for higher education. Southern University Law Center "SULC," recognizing the need to make legal education more affordable for our students especially as it relates to textbook cost, has embarked on a project to make e-Textbooks available for our law students beginning with our 2019 first year class. This proposal will focus on the process involved in establishing this initiative.
Room 324
Realizing the Benefits of Using OCLC Cataloging, WorldShare ILL, and FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery Services
Suzanne Butte (OCLC)
Room 326
Custom Search Targets for Enterprise Discovery & Extending Enterprise
Kathi Adams, Rick Branham, and Adam Viator (SirsiDynix)
Room 327
Implementing GetItNow at Louisiana College
Rusty Tryon (Louisiana College)
Tasked by administration with seeking innovative ways to reduce budgets, the library opted to cancel its few remaining individual journal subscriptions. In order to retain high levels of service, GetItNow was implemented to provide quick access to otherwise inaccessible content. This session will detail the library's decision making, implementation of the service, as well as pitfalls and successes.
Room 322
SirsiDynix Data Control: Intuitive, Web-based Interface for Utilizing your API Tools
Berit Nelson (SirsiDynix)
BLUEcloud Data Control is a new browser-based interface for utilizing Symphony’s API tools. Learn how to join database tables, construct queries, output data and make edits in batch with this intuitive, easy-to-use GUI for accessing all of your ILS data.
Room 324
Refreshing Our Image: How We are Making the Library More Welcoming
Abigail DeSoto and Nolan Eller (LATECH)
Have you ever wondered how to make your library more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing to students and patrons? Through the creation and efforts of our library building committee, we at Louisiana Tech’s Prescott Memorial Library are striving to do just that. This presentation will focus on the ways in which our committee is addressing the needs of our students and patron base through addressing the building aesthetics, signage, outreach and programing, and working with student organizations on campus. We will also be addressing the challenges and limitations we have faced as a committee throughout our continued efforts to better serve our students and patrons.
Room 326
Creative Commons on Campus: Insights from the CC Certification Course
Elizabeth Batte (Nicholls) and Jeanne Pavy (UNO)
Jeanne Pavy and Elizabeth Batte are currently both enrolled in the Creative Commons Certificate course for librarians this summer. The course is intended to be a deep dive into CC licenses, open access practices, and the motivation behind CC. Our proposal is to share our overall impressions from the course, key points we think would be impactful to other LOUIS users, and how we plan to use our gained knowledge on campus (UNO and Nicholls). After our presentation, we will open up the floor for questions from the audience. Our goal is to encourage a conversation about the potential impact of CC licenses in higher education. Librarians can play a key role in increasing understanding of CC by both faculty and students. Part of the next step for the state-wide initiative for textbook affordability is to work with faculty on creating OERs. CC is the licensing they will need to protect their work while also making it available for open access. Students can also be given the option of assigning a CC license when sharing work such as theses and dissertations. We look forward to sharing our questions and experiences with others in the state who are interested in this important tool for promoting open culture in higher education.
Room 327
Developing an Information Literacy Rubric Through Faculty Collaboration
Mark Love and Brandy Burbante (Nicholls)
The presenters, librarians at Nicholls State University, collaborated with faculty members from other parts of the university to develop an information literacy rubric that will be used to assess student achievement of general education competencies. The presenters were part of a subcommittee tasked with formulating a means to assess student aptitudes in information and technology literacy. Through collaboration with our colleagues on the subcommittee, and on the university's General Education Committee, we were able to establish a rubric that addressed the viewpoints and concerns of librarians and teaching faculty. During this presentation, we will share the insights we gained through this collaborative process.
Main Auditorium
Room 322
You're Only Deceiving Yourself: Using Assessment Tools to Combat Impostor Syndrome
Ebony McDonald (LSU)
This presentation will address how one early career librarian of color used assessment tools to combat her initial feelings of impostor syndrome (IS), a psychological phenomenon in which a person experiences persistent doubt of their accomplishments and internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. The presenter will discuss how she experienced IS as she was starting in her first full-time professional position, which involved leading a small women's college library in North Carolina on research, instruction, and outreach initiatives. She will then detail how she combated her feelings of self-doubt by using simple assessment tools that ultimately helped build her confidence to rise to the challenges of the transition from a graduate student to a degree-holding professional. Although the presentation will be informed by her experience as a young black American female new to a field that is characterized by the old, ornery white female stereotype, the content of this presentation will be discussed in broad inclusive terms with the intention of it having universal appeal to librarians of all backgrounds in various stages of their careers.
Room 324
Coders as your Force Multiplier
Garrett Armstrong (LSU)
Programmers are often attached onto large projects, but it's common for librarians to have smaller tasks that coding can ameliorate. Collaboration between librarians and coders can have an enormous impact, especially for tedious tasks. We'll discuss some of the successes of this sort of collaboration.
Room 326
Training Student Workers to be Peer Coaches
Elissa Plank (LSU)
When students are having problems, many times they turn to their peers. Recognizing this fact, LSU Libraries held a library-wide orientation session to educate their new student workers about all of the services the library offered in order to motivate students to do outreach at point-of-need and to make them feel included as part of the library's team.
Room 327
Quick Vids: Tips, Tools, and Tricks
Laurie Blandino (LOUIS)
How to create them, what's important to keep in mind when creating them, and what resources are available.
Room 322
Grad Students and Library Services: Spaces, ILL & Program Support
Debra Harmon (LSUS)
How our library has created 21st century study spaces, expanded ILL services and offered program support to better meet the needs of graduate students.
Room 324
Uncover Your Catalog's Hidden Errors
Natalie Palermo (LSU LAW)
Would you be comfortable saying your catalog's MARC data is pristine? If you are like me, the answer would be "NO." In this session, I will share examples of how you can use MarcEdit and BLUEcloud Analytics to uncover "hidden" errors in your catalog's MARC bibliographic and holdings records. With these errors identified, you can then choose to correct them manually or ask the LOUIS staff to correct them for you.
Room 326
Making the Move to OpenAthens Authentication: One Library's Experience
Chris Holly (EBSCO) and Kathrine Montgomery (Tulane)
OpenAthens is a SAML-based authentication system that offers more than a typical proxy server. Tulane University migrated to OpenAthens during the Summer of 2019. This presentation will focus on Tulane’s implementation of OpenAthens as well as provide a brief overview of the key features of OpenAthens. In addition to Tulane’s synopsis, there will be updates on some of the larger consortial implementations of OpenAthens.
Room 327
It's Complimentary
Adrian Crawford and Adrian Johnson (BPCC)
This presentation discusses how the virtual and physical aspects of the library have been used to complement each other to increase interaction between the Library and the community we serve.
The Library as Performance Space
Mikel Ledee (LSU)
The presentation will explain and cover the beginnings and continued work of "Music In Middleton." This is a monthly performance series involving musical and theatrical performances in the lobby of Middleton Library.
Room 322
The Great and Powerful Oz: How to Maximize Social Media Output on a Shoestring
Victoria Elmwood (LOYOLA)
Many libraries are not lucky enough to have an employee whose primary job function is running their social media presence. This session will focus on strategies, software/apps, and practices that will help libraries, especially those with smaller staffing levels, meet the constant demand for novel yet relevant content. By adopting a collaborative process that solicits content for both recurring posting types and unique feature posts, librarians can leverage a modest amount of commitment into a successful online presence. Automated posting apps and user-friendly graphic design software as well as clearly articulated brand standards are critical tools for boosting efficiency in social media productivity. The session will conclude by addressing persistent challenges to maintenance and assessment, particularly when human resources are scarce.
How Academic Libraries Can Use Social Media Engagement, Outreach, and Reference
Brandy Burbante and Elizabeth Batte (Nicholls)
Social Media has become part of the librarian job description. At this roundtable, librarians can learn from one another on how to improve their current social media outreach. Brandy Burbante, Library Outreach Coordinator and her colleague, Elizabeth Batte, Electronic Resources Librarian will host a discussion on what their social media committee has done to improve their online outreach. This roundtable discussion will include strategies on successful social media campaigns, what to learn from unsuccessful posts, how to utilize different types of social media, and general rules for increasing your online presence. To have a successful social media campaign, it needs to be planned out, coordinated between different platforms, and involve personal interaction. There are lessons to be learned from unsuccessful posts. Are you aware of the algorithms that control timelines and how posts are seen in newsfeeds? Did your post include a video or photo? Did you use hashtags or tag another person/organization in your post? Another key to online success is using different social media platforms in the right way. Facebook is great for large groups of photos or creating online events. Snapchat, Instagram stories, and Facebook stories are great for “in the moment” and live posts. Instagram is best for photo-only posts that do not need a lot of explanation. Twitter should be used for quick “sound bites” and can successfully be used for hype posts before an event. The roundtable discussion will also collaborate on general guidelines different organizations use for their social media policies. What guidelines do you use for what, when, and where you post? What type of social media management system or tools are you using, if any? Brandy and Elizabeth hope to inform attendees on these topics but also want to collaborate and learn from other organizations on their social media outreach.
Room 324
Back that Success Up!
Sarah Simms and Randa Morgan (LSU)
Student success is all the rage these days, but how do we as librarians support these initiatives? Join LSU Librarians Randa Morgan and Sarah Simms as they share their experiences with creative outreach to help bolster success of the “whole” student through events that support personal and academic growth. Some of these initiatives include an Adulting 1001 series, the LSU Libraries’ Open House, and exam week activities. Morgan and Simms will discuss the importance of building partnerships across campus that support these types of programs, as well as the planning and execution of events.
Room 326
ULM's OER FLC (All the Abbreviations)
Megan Lowe (ULM)
Over the course 2018-2019, the directors of the ULM Library, ULM Online, and Extended Learning facilitated a faculty learning community (FLC) focused on open education resources, affordable education resources, and course redesign. This presentation will describe how the FLC was developed, challenges and lessons learned, and what its outcomes were.
Room 327
"Secret" Campus Libraries: Our Endeavor to Make a Hidden Collection Discoverable in the Summer
Sarah Mazur (LSUS)
This presentation will discuss how we discovered a departmental collection on campus and how librarian expertise and library resources helped make this resource more user-friendly.
Lower Exhibit Hall
Grab some coffee and a snack, and visit with our conference sponsors.
Main Auditorium
Room 322
Creating a Buzz: Getting Faculty and Students Excited about Library Resources
Henrietta Verma (Credo Reference) and Brandy Burbante (Nicholls)
Brandy Burbante, Assistant Librarian and Assistant Professor at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana, is determined that students and faculty will get the most from their library resources. When it comes to the library’s electronic resources, she aims to clock high usage numbers even during trials—a proven approach that helps elicit administrative buy-in for new purchases. In this session, Burbante will describe the strategies she uses to get materials flying off her library’s real and virtual shelves. Attendees will leave knowing about methods that encourage both faculty and student library use, all of which are easy, quick, and affordable to implement. Offering attendees further marketing tips, Henrietta Verma, a librarian and customer success manager at Credo, will close the presentation by briefly introducing a free resource, the Credo IL Strategy Handbook, which delves further into library marketing in addition to offering tips and best practices for every stage of your library’s information literacy program.
Room 324
New Visions for Scholarly Content: A JSTOR Update for LOUIS Members
Catherine Kosturski (JSTOR)
This year, LOUIS members have the opportunity to access over 40,000 ebooks on the JSTOR platform through our Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) program. The ebooks are only a part of JSTOR’s continued mission to expand access to scholarly content. Join us for a look at the evolution of the JSTOR platform, highlighting research tools such as image search on JSTOR, Text Analyzer, and open access content. We will share how all these fit in to JSTOR’s vision of a unified research platform with contributions from both publishers and libraries. This presentation is geared for librarians and staff who work in research, instruction, acquisitions, and collection development.
Room 326
Cataloging Round Table
Janelle Zetty (ULL)
The Round Table will discuss cataloging issues, practices, innovations, procedures, and standards.
Room 327
Textbook Affordability & Reporting Requirements: An Update on Act 125
Teri Gallaway & Emily Frank (LOUIS)
Room 322
Virtual Reality at the ULM Library
Megan Lowe (ULM)
Over the 2018-2019 AY, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the ULM Library worked together to create the state's first virtual classroom. This presentation will describe the development of the project and how OIT and the Library worked together to make it a reality (forgive the pun please).
Room 324
Come Explore Three Major Collaborative Projects from Oxford University Press: University Press Scholarship Online, Oxford Research Encyclopedias, and Grove Art Online
Jenifer Maloney (Oxford University Press)
At this session, representatives from Oxford University Press (OUP) will discuss three major collaborative projects from OUP: University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO), Oxford Research Encyclopedias (OREs), and Grove Art Online (GAO). This session will provide an overview of UPSO, a ground-breaking online library bringing works from the world’s best university presses onto one easy-to-use, cross-searchable resource. UPSO offers easy access to over 30,000 scholarly works across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. Also at this session, learn about the Oxford Research Encyclopedias, a major new digital resource from OUP, which has over 10,000 academics involved and partnerships with organizations such as the International Studies Association, National Association of Social Workers Press, and American Institute of Physics. Grove Art Online (GAO) is the foremost scholarly art encyclopedia, covering on all aspects of the visual arts. At this session, learn about Grove Art Online and the UpdateGAO project, a major, ongoing program the editors are embarking upon to reflect important recent scholarship, refresh articles, and guide the future of art history research.
Room 326
Adding Media Literacy to Your Toolkit
Rebecca Kelley and Brittany O'Neill (LSU)
Media literacy is not just for K-12. While academic librarians often teach students how to identify bias and differentiate between fact or fiction, we can also promote media literacy topics such as media representation, data privacy, and advertising methods that are relevant in today’s digital landscape. Since 2018, LSU Libraries has partnered with the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) for Media Literacy Week. Our programming has included a film screening, panel discussion, workshops, displays, and games. In this session, we will discuss how academic libraries can benefit from participating in Media Literacy Week. We will discuss how LSU Libraries developed and marketed our Media Literacy Week events and provide ideas for programs at your library. This session will also highlight the benefits of building partnerships outside your library, as well as bolstering the critical thinking skills students need to be responsible consumers of media.
Room 327
The Future of EBSCO Discovery Service
Michael Abrahamson (EBSCO)
In this session, the EBSCO Library Services Engineering team will share updates on EBSCO Discovery Service best practices gleaned from new analytics tools and a brand new approach to the user experience. That's right - a new user interface to one day replace the classic EBSCOhost look and feel! Come see early, working versions of this new UI in action and learn about the insights that inform the new designs.
Room 322
Picking up the Pieces after Losing your Systems Librarian
Penny Hecker, Amy Baptist (SELU)
Several years ago Sims Library at Southeastern Louisiana University lost their Systems Librarian position after a retirement followed by budget cuts. This presentation will discuss how the position loss changed the job descriptions of several librarians at Sims, how we picked up the pieces, and how, out of adversity, comes at least some opportunity. There will be plenty of time for audience members to discuss their similar library situations if applicable.
Room 324
Open and Affordable Practices Panel
Emily Frank (LOUIS), Megan Lowe (ULM), Lauren McAdams (BRCC), Elizabeth Batte (Nicholls), Kim Roberts (NTCC), David Dunaway (LSU), Damian Hinojosa (SJASC), Dawn Kight (SU), and Catherine Dean (SUSLA)
Open and affordable course materials have become a hot topic in Louisiana and on our campuses. At the same time, some faculty members are unfamiliar with these concepts, aren’t totally bought into the idea, or are facing barriers to participation. In this panel, we will discuss practices begin used to implement projects and support for open and affordable. The panel will discuss what we’re doing, what’s been working, and what’s been surprising, and share the strategies used at their institution. The audience will have an opportunity to share their practices and questions with the goal of learning from one another’s approaches.
Room 326
Co-Creating Professional Competencies and a Training Program for Electronic Resources Administrators (a participatory session)
Laurie Blandino, Teri Gallaway, Lisa Stigall, and Victor Sanchez (LOUIS)
Room 327
Design for Everyone
Tariana Smith (SUNO)
Instruction/instructional design has a direct impact on how students understand and effectively use information literacy skills. To determine the most effective way to teach the information, one must first take into consideration the target audience and best methods used to relate to the target audience. It is also important to consider the various types of learning styles when thinking about instructional design. Everyone learns and retains information differently. Some students are visual learners and retain information better through graphics. Students can also be auditory learners and retain information better if presented through a video presentation or headphones. Other students may be more kinesthetic/tactile when it comes to learning and retaining information and need movement or various interactions to retain information. One-shot library instruction is prevalent in academic libraries were classes usually last anywhere from fifty to seventy-five minutes. Librarians try to maximize the amount of information given to students in such a short amount of time. This presentation serves to address these issues and possible solutions to appealing to various learning styles.
Room 322
ILL Alternatives: Using Third Party Services to Expedite and Automate Interlibrary Loan
Jacob Fontenot (LSU)
New technologies and third-party services are changing the landscape of interlibrary loan. Jacob Fontenot from LSU Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan unit will present alternatives to traditional ILL that integrate with your existing ILLiad setup. Learn how to get material for your patrons as quickly and efficiently as possible, and with less staff intervention. Learn how to optimize your turnaround time by integrating third-party services such as RapidILL, OCLC’s Get It Now, and IDS Logic automation into ILLiad. Find out how LSU is implementing an expedited ILL option that can fulfill patron requests in under 2 hours, automatically.
Room 324
Guiding Each Other Through LibGuides
Elizabeth Batte, William Charron (Nicholls), and Jodi Duet (Fletcher)
Fletcher Technical Community College built its entire website off of LibGuides. Their look and feel match that of Fletcher’s main site. Nicholls State University librarians and staff worked with Fletcher to give Nicholls library LibGuides an overhaul. The goal of our presentation is to show other campuses how they can use their LibGuides in new ways, better ways, and learn from our mistakes. A breakout session will give us the opportunity to give the audience a tour of our LibGuides, talk about our process, and then have a Q&A session. During the tour of our LibGuides, how Fletcher uses their guides as teaching aids, why they implemented specific assets, their process with students to decide website organization, and what Nicholls borrowed from Fletcher. To talk about the process, we will discuss our collaboration, how we presented our ideas from Fletcher to our team at Nicholls, the Nicholls library method of working through the 100+ guides we had created, what worked for us, and what didn’t, etc.
Room 326
Talkin' TED: How Two Librarians' Research Became Center-Stage
Sarah Simms and Hayley Johnson (LSU)
Join Hayley Johnson and Sarah Simms as they discuss their recent experience as TEDxLSU speakers. Johnson and Simms will share their experience – from being asked to present on their research, the writing and coaching process, as well as some of their takeaways. They will also discuss tips and tricks learned from TEDx on how to share a difficult story to a large group, how to present academic information to an audience unfamiliar with the topic, and how to bring your experience from the classroom on to a stage and vice-versa.