2017 Conference: Pre-Conference

Pre-conference Workshops

Tuesday, October 17

Pizza Party!
Upper Hospitality Suite
12:00 - 1:00 PM

1:00 - 5:00 PM

BLUEcloud Analytics

Room 322
SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Analytics is a powerful reporting tool that provides libraries with flexible reports and dynamic visualizations. This workshop will feature hands-on training exercises to build your BCA muscle memory, so you can go back to your campus and amaze the administration with your library data.
Presenter(s): Mark Witteman (LOUIS)

Information Literacy

Room 326
In this 3-part workshop, three critical dimensions of information literacy will be explored conceptually and practically. First, Jason Ezell, Instruction and Research Coordinator at the Monroe Library of Loyola University, will discuss how a needs assessment he conducted with his teams at the University of South Alabama and at Loyola University to characterize what first-year students do and don’t know. He then connects needs assessment with the formation of an information literacy program plan. Mr. Ezell will be followed by Emily Deal, Head of Distance Learning & Online Services, and Jennifer Hamilton, Head of Instructional Services, of the University of Louisiana-Lafayette and Ellen Jenkins, Government Documents & Reference Librarian, of the State Library will discuss practical applications relevant to one-shot bibliographic instruction sessions and online library orientations. Finally, Gera Bridgewater, Shanna Clevenger, Caitlin Cooper, Janine Smith, and Courtney Stortz, librarian-instructors of Delgado Community College, will present on the assessment of information literacy and instruction, discussing how best to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of information literacy programs and sessions.
Presenter(s): Gera Bridgewater (Delgado), Shanna Clevenger (Delgado), Caitlin Cooper (Delgado), Emily Deal (ULL), Jason Ezell (Loyola), Jennifer Hamilton (ULL), Ellen Jenkins (State Library), Janine Smith (Delgado), and Courtney Stortz (Delgado)

Springshare LibApps

Room 327
Interested in some hands-on training with Springshare LibApps? You'll want to join us for this pre-conference workshop! The workshop will feature a quick overview of the various apps available from Springshare. Then we'll delve into hands-on training with LibGuides and LibGuides CMS (version two). Each participant will have a sandbox to work in during the session. It is recommended that each participant bring their own laptop.
Presenter(s): Jaime K. Barrilleaux (LOUIS) and Carrie Wilson (Springshare)

Register by October 7, 2017!

Check the Conference Details page for more information.